Last Updated: [September] [13th], 2021

Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these Terms of Service (these “Terms”) is to set forth the rights, obligations and responsibilities of LineNo.6 Company(the “Company”) and users of the Services (as defined below) and other matters concerning the use of the Services provided by the Company.
Article 2 (Definitions)
(1) As used in these Terms, the following terms shall have the meanings as defined below: 1. “Services” means, as may be required by the context, the “JustMove” application (the “Application”) which may be used by a User through User’s devices (including smartphone, tablet and computer, whether wired or wireless) or the services offered through the Application as set out in Article 7. 2. “User” means any person who enters into the User Agreement (as defined below) with the Company by accessing to and using the Services pursuant to these Terms.
(2) Any capitalized terms used in these Terms that are not defined in this Article shall be interpreted in accordance with the guideline as shown in the screen of the Services, the relevant operation policy, the applicable laws and regulations or otherwise general commercial practices.
Article 3 (Posting and Modification of the Terms)
(1) The Company shall post these Terms on the initial screen of the Services to ensure that Users may easily ascertain the contents of these Terms. (2) The Company may modify or update the Terms, from time to time, to the extent that it does not violate the relevant laws and regulations. (3) If the Company modifies these Terms, the Company shall publicly announce the modifications by posting then-current version of the Terms and specifying the reasons for the modifications and the scheduled effective date of the modified Terms, by no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled effective date of the modified Terms; provided, that if any of the modifications include any change that is adverse or unfavorable to Users, the public announcement of such modifications shall be given by no later than thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled effective date of the modified Terms and be also notified to Users through electronic means including User’s email. However, any modifications to the Terms that are related to a new function of the Service (that would not affect any right or obligation under these Terms) or made to be consistent with legal requirements will be made effective immediately without prior notice. Any modifications to these Terms shall be indicated in a comparison table so that Users may understand clearly the difference between then-current version and the modified version of these Terms. (4) In the event that the Company publicly announces or notifies the modified Terms as specified in Article 3(3) above and clearly states that any User who does not explicitly express his or her consent or dissent to the modified Terms by the scheduled effective date of the modified Terms will be deemed to have consented to the modified Terms, any such User who did not explicitly express his or her dissent to the modified Terms shall be deemed to have consented to the modified Terms. (5) In the event that any User explicitly expressed his or her dissent to the modified Terms, the Company shall not apply these Terms to such User as modified, in which case such User may terminate or cancel the agreement to use the Services (“User Agreement”); provided, that in case of an extraordinary circumstance where the prior Terms may not be applicable, the Company may terminate the User Agreement. Such User may no longer use the Services from and after the effective date of the modified Terms. (6) Users shall ascertain and check the contents of these Terms as available on the screen of the Service, and the Company shall not be held liable for any losses or damages arising out of or in connection with the modified Terms if a User has sustained any such losses or damages after having consented to the modified Terms or the User has failed to ascertain and check the contents of the modified Terms due to his or her negligence.
Article 4 (Interpretation of the Terms)
(1) The Company may have separate terms of operation policies with respect to any particular Service as may be deemed necessary, and such operation policies shall be considered supplemental to these Terms. (2) Any matters not specified in the Terms shall follow the applicable operation policy, the applicable laws and regulations or general commercial practices.
Article 5 (Notice)
(1) Unless otherwise specified in these Terms, any notice to be given by the Company to Users may be sent by e-mail or messenger function within the Services. (2) In case of any notice to all Users of the Services, the Company may post a public notice on the screen of the Services for a period of seven (7) days or more, in lieu of separate notices sent to Users as specified in Article 5(1) above.

Article 6 (Entering into User Agreement)
(1) A User Agreement shall be deemed executed between the Company and a User when (i) a person who wishes to become a User (the “Applicant”) enters an e-mail address, selected password, name, date of birth and gender and consents to these Terms and Privacy Notice and (ii) the Company verifies the information entered by the Applicant who has agreed to these Terms and Privacy Notice; provided, that if an Applicant as an intended User is a person under 16 years of age, the Company will further require the Applicant’s parent (or legal guardian) to provide verifiable parental consent (for example, the Company may send a confirmation number to the Applicant’s e-mail address and require the Applicant to type in the number to express his or her parental consent to the Child’s use of the Services and the Company’s collection of certain personal information of the Child (as further described in the Privacy Policy and the Children’s Privacy Policy)) before such Applicant is permitted to use the Services. (Our Privacy Notice can be found under Privacy Notice.) (2) In order for an Applicant to use the Services, the Applicant (and his or her legal guardian if the Applicant is under 16 years of age) shall provide the information requested by the Company accurately. The Applicant (and his or her legal guardian if the Applicant is under 16 years of age) shall be solely responsible for any disadvantages or legal liabilities arising from false statement, omission or misdescription in the subscription request. (3) The Company may refuse to enter into a User Agreement with any Applicant (and his or her legal guardian if the Applicant is under 16 years of age) if (i) the Applicant has lost his or her User status previously, (ii) the Applicant does not provide information requested by the Company accurately (e.g., using a false name or another person’s name), (iii) the Company has ascertained that the Applicant has any intention to use the Services for undue purposes (such as for-profit purpose), (iv) the Applicant is found to have violated any of these Terms or (v) there is a reasonable cause to not enter into the User Agreement. (4) The Company may withhold entering into a User Agreement with any User for any technical or business reasons. (5) The Company shall inform an Applicant if it has refused to enter into, or withheld entering into, a User Agreement with the Applicant. (6) A User Agreement shall become effective upon notice by the Company to the Applicant that the subscription process has been complete.

Article 7 (Description of Services)
(1) The Company provides Users with each of the following Services; provided, that some of the Services listed below may not be available depending on the level of technology available and information collectible by private entities: 1. How-to-Use Tutorial: Providing tutorial with respect to how a User may use the application in some needed functions; 2. ; 3. Verifiable Parental Consent and Parental Control: Requiring verifiable parental consent with respect to any User under 16 years of age and making Report available to the parent of the User; 4. ; 5. ; 6. ; 7. Data Access: Allowing User to access the data within the Services; 8. User-tailored service: Developing and providing new services based on the provision of services according to demographic characteristics, frequency of access, improvement of functions, statistics on service use and service analysis according to the statistics; and 9. Any other ancillary services necessary for each of the subparagraphs above. (2) In addition to the Services set forth in Article 7(1) above, the Company may develop additional services for Users.
Article 8 (Provision of Services)
(1) In order for the Company to provide a User with such Services requiring device connection, the Company needs to obtain User’s consent to collection and use of description of his or her usage data. Users may refuse to give his or her consent thereto, in which case however certain features of the relevant Services may not be available. (2) If Users use the Services without requred condition, certain features of the Services may not be available.
Article 9 (Suspension, Change and Termination of Service)
(1) The Company may suspend, change or terminate all or any part of the Services as may be required for its technical or business needs. In connection therewith, unless otherwise specified in thee Terms, the Company shall not be held responsible for any compensation to Users. (2) In case of suspension or change of any of the Services, the Company shall publicly announce such suspension or change by posting on the screen of the Services the scheduled effective date of such suspension or change and the reasons therefor, by no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled effective date of such suspension or change. In case of termination of any of the Services, the Company shall publicly announce such termination by posting on the screen of the Services the scheduled effective date of such termination and the reasons therefor, by no later than thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled effective date of such termination. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, if there exists any unavoidable circumstance where such posting cannot be made in advance, a notice shall be given immediately after such suspension, change or termination of the Services becomes effective. (3) Certain features of the Services may not be available during the period from the date on which notice of termination is given to the effective date of termination. (4) Unless otherwise specified in these Terms or the applicable laws and regulations, the Company shall not be held liable to Users for any damages suffered as a result of suspension, change or termination of the Services. Article 10 (Copyrights)
(1) All copyrights relating to JustMove application, the Services or any contents posted on the information network operated by the Company (other than contents or works posted by the Users) shall be vested to and remain owned by the Company. (2) All trademarks, service marks, logos and copyrights and other intellectual properties relating to the Services shall be vested to and remain owned by the Company. (3) A User shall be solely responsible for any contents or works posted on Services by the User and copyrights thereof, and any such contents or works are irrelevant to the position or opinion of the Company. (4) A User shall be solely responsible for any issues arising out of or in connection with any contents or works posted on the Services by the User. (5) A User shall not reproduce, distribute, transmit or otherwise permit any third party to use the contents of the Services (other than contents or works posted by the User) without prior written consent of the Company. (6) Any contents or works posted by a User may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted through information networks for the purpose of promotion or marketing of the Services provided by the Company.
Article 11 (Management of Posts)
(1) In the event that any contents or works posted by a User are in any way in violation of the applicable laws or regulations or infringe any third party’s rights, or any party affected by such contents or works or entitled to a right to remove or delete the same requests the Company to remove or delete the same, the Company shall be obliged to comply with such request as required under the applicable laws or regulations. (2) Even if there has been no request by any party under Article 11(1), the Company may, at its discretion, take any measures with respect to such contents or works that are deemed in violation of the applicable laws or regulations or infringe any third party’s rights, as the Company deems appropriate.

Article 12 (Obligation of the Company)
(1) The Company shall use its commercially reasonably efforts to provide the sustainable and stable Services in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and these Terms. (2) The Company shall have a security system to protect personal information in order to ensure that the Users can use the Services safely, and shall publicly announce and comply with the Privacy Notice. (3) The Company shall handle any reasonably opinions or complaints from the Users with respect to the use of the Services, and shall notify the said Users of any outcomes.
Article 13 (Obligation of the Users)
(1) A User shall use the Services in compliance with the followings: 1. The User shall use the application in compliance with the user manual provided to the User; 2. The User shall send his or her inquiries to the Company with respect to any matters not specified in the user manual; 3. If any malfunction of the application is detected, the User shall immediately stop using it and contact the Company; 4. If the User notices any problems while using the application, the User shall immediately stop using it; 5. ; 6. The User shall keep children whom all the terms and conditions does not guaranteed away from the application; 7. .
(2) A User shall not engage in any of the following activities: 1. Providing false information upon registration to use the Services; 2. Deleting, modifying or destructing any contents of information posted on the Services without prior consent of the Company; 3. Duplicating, disassembling, copying or altering the Services by reverse-engineering, decompiling, disassembly or any other processing; 4. Infringing upon intellectual property of the Company or any third parties; 5. Collecting personal information of third parties or undermining reputation of third parties; 6. Using the Services to transmit any advertisement or promotion without the prior consent of the Company, or disclosing or posting on the Services any obscene or violent messages or information; 7. Misusing personal information or mobile device of third parties; 8. Using the Services in a manner inconsistent with the instruction given by the Company or accessing to the system of the Company; 9. Obstructing the efficient traffic and operation of the Services by the Company; 10. Using the Services for profit for itself or third party; 11. Obstructing the use of the Services by third parties; 12. Impersonating the Company, executives and employees thereof; 13. Modifying the programs or system of the Company without the prior consent of the Company; 14. Undermining reputation or credit of the Company; 15. Violating any obligations under these Terms; and 16. Performing any other illegal or unfair activities.
(3) The Company shall be entitled to take any of the following measures with respect to the User who has breached their respective obligations: 1. Deleting any contents or works posted by the said User without any prior notice; 2. Suspending the said User from using the Services for certain period; 3. Demanding the said User to indemnify any and all losses sustained by the Company as a result of such breach; or 4. Terminating these Terms and de-registering the said user. (4) In the event that the Company intends to take any of the measures listed in Article 13(3) above, the Company shall give a prior notice to the said User by no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled date of such measures and such measures will become effective upon lapse of the fourteen (14) day period; provided, that in the event of an unavoidable circumstance where the User’s contact is lost or in urgent need, the Company may notify the User after it takes such measures.
Article 14 (Management of User’s Information)
(1) In case of any changes in respect of the information submitted by the User upon registration for the Services, the User shall promptly update such information within the Services. (2) The User shall be solely responsible for any damages and violation of laws caused by their failure to update information in accordance with the latest changes, and the Company shall not be held responsible for the same. (3) The User shall be solely responsible for management of his or her account and password, and the User may not transfer or lend their account and password to any third parties. (4) The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages or losses caused by leakage, transfer or lending of the account and password without any cause attributable to the Company. (5) In the event that a User becomes aware that any information of the User is stolen or being used by a third party without permission, the User shall promptly notify the Company thereof and comply with any instruction or guide provided by the Company. The Company shall not be held liable for any losses or damages caused by any unauthorized use or theft by a third party of information of the User if the User fails to notify the Company or follow the instructions given by the Company. (6) The responsibility for managing the account shall be borne by the User, and in no event shall the User assign or transfer his or her account to a third party or permit a third party to use the account or use the account for the benefit of a third party’s use of the Services.
Article 15 (Limitations of Liability)
(1) In the event that the Company is unable to provide the Services due to an act of God or other similar force majeure events, the Company shall be relieved from its obligations to provide the Services. (2) . (3) The Company shall not be held liable for any obstacles to the use of the Services arising out of any cause attributable to the User. (4) Unless otherwise prescribed under the applicable laws or regulations, the Company shall not be held liable for the Services provided free of charge.

Article 16 (Termination of User Agreement)
(1) Any User may at any time request for termination of the User Agreement in accordance with a prescribed procedure within the Services, and the Company shall promptly terminate the User Agreement as requested. (2) In case of termination of the User Agreement, all data including personal information and sensitive personal information shall be removed and deleted in accordance with the Privacy Notice. (3) The Company shall not be held liable for any losses or damages sustained by the User due to termination of the User Agreement.

Article 17 (Dispute Resolution)
(1) The Company shall promptly handles opinions or complaints by a User in connection with the use of the Services; provided, however, that if it is difficult to handle such opinions or complaints promptly, the Company shall notify the said User of the cause for delay and the estimated schedule of response. (2) The Company may mediate any disputes between the User or between a User and a third party to a reasonable extent. (3) In the event that the Company handles complaints or mediates any disputes, the Company (acting in its capacity as a third party) shall make fair mediation in good faith, and the relevant User shall respond to the Company’s mediation in good faith.
Article 18 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
(1) Any disputes arising between the Company and a User shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Korea. (2) Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Seoul Central District Court as the court of first instance.
Addenda (Date of Implementation) These Terms shall be implemented from [March] [29th], 2020.